Thursday, January 08, 2009

My Dream Realized

So last night was amazing.  A musical dream of mine was realized.  Imagine creating a Bucket List for music.....well as of last night I can cross another one off.    My most recent Bucket List was probably seeing Bob Seger thanks to my lovely wife.  And again I owe last night to her as well.   She had two tickets to the Dancing with the Stars Tour at the Sprint Center.  Bear with me now....

We decide to grab a beer and a burger at ChefBurger prior to the show and head in around 7:30.   A little pre-show amateur dance off ensues and then the real show starts.  We have quite good seats and are soon ready for the show.  The light dim and some "stars" come out and hype up the crowd.  Rhythmic clapping begins and foot stomping.   They announce the "Stars" and dancer pairs and what do you know.....Maurice Greene, Olympic Track star,  some actors,  Lance Bass, and.......wait for it.....Toni Braxton.   Ok.   At this point I turn to Rebecca in childish excitement and say, "Wouldn't it be awesome if she sang Unbreak my Heart"?   

Sidebar:  Unbreak my Heart is my Karaoke song of choice and many of you know that I have mastered the male version of this song.

Ok.  Back to the show.   About an hour of dancing and throwing and spinning goes by and we don't know if it can get any better.   The couple behind us whispered, "Honey, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.  This is amazing."   Oh my, by the end of the night I would agree. 

Here is Toni Braxton dancing....

A little Mo Greene.

Costume change.

Then.  It. Happens.   The lights dim for about 5 minutes and the crowd thinks its Intermission.  Someone forgot to bring up the House lights.  Oops.  Wait.  No.   
The voice of God comes on and says, I quote, "Ladies and Gentleman, now performing 6-time Grammy Awarding winning artist will sing her Platimun Selling Single....Unbreak My Heart!"

I lose it.  I get up out of my chair and do a series of Kirk Gibson/Tiger Woods fist pumps and take my chair.  Then it begins.  

Look at this......serious?
Toni is literally unbreaking my heart at this point.
She even speeds it up!  REMIX!!!!!!!!

So at this point I know that evening cannot get any better.  We decide it would be a good time to leave and make our way to the exit.  We head to the escalators to leave the building and at the top of the escalators are handed tickets for the Samsung Entertainment booth in the foyer where we are told we can win prizes and phones.   We take our tickets from the Samsung lackey dressed in Catwoman pants and head over to the booth.   We see a pack of tweens yelling and LOLing about a new phone they have just won.   The Samsung Eternity, which they had been pimping all night long.  Product placement folks.  I walk up to the lady in charge of the Samsung booth, hand her my ticket and ask her where I can win a phone. (Missing the line of people who are playing the touch screen display game.)  She tells me to, "Go over to the other booth and talk to the woman in the cream coat."   I walk over to the woman in the cream coat, Rebecca hands me her ticket, promptly skipping yet another line and say,"That woman at the other booth just told me to come over here to see you and that I should yell, I Love Samsung."  Her response, "You want a phone?  You don't need to yell.  Here you go."


The phone.   Sweet.
What a night.

1 comment:

Michael Hess said...